Beef up border security
Time is lapsing fast to beef up security on India’s borders on the land and in the deep see. The latest terrorist attack in Mumbai is a compelling example of the current compromising nature of the security at the borders.According to the news at hand, the terrorists are supposed to have entered from the sea side onto Mumbai shores via Karachi and coast of Gujarat. It is not yet clear whether they carried all the ammunition with them or collected some on their way to their targets. This kind of entry appears rather too easy given the importance of Mumbai as the financial hub of the country.
There is no doubt that India has enough internal resources to handle such an onslaught on any given day and at any given point in time. Mobilization of more than 500 security officials into the city in less than five hours assures this. However, as a country on the cusp of being one of the biggest economies in the word, we need to focus on prevention of such attacks and not only on cure.
The aftermath of this attack may involve intensification of internal security in the form of increased scrutiny of common people in the country who visit malls and movie halls. But, this would prove to be a half-hearted attempt unless the borders of the country are made nonporous for antisocial elements.
Another point that the authorities cannot afford to miss is such attack would only make India’s ascent towards becoming an important business hub in the world more difficult. The latest attack has seen the local and global business community and travelers under siege. Unless future occurrence of such assaults is prevented, India may lose its appeal as a safe and cheaper place to do business.
Labels: Society